Our Services
We soon realized that the need for an effective and customizable CRM system was much greater than our business requirements. In fact, we realized that hundreds of thousands of businesses could greatly increase sales and productivity by using a system like Databox. Today, Databox offers comprehensive Customer Relationship Management Solutions (CRM solutions) that support many industries (Professional Services, Non-Profits, Manufacturing, Retail, Transportation, Financial Services, Consumer Goods, Hospitality).
Technical Support Training
We strive to make every user of Databox be a “SuperUser.” Our training offers modules for every user (end-user, administrators, and implementers). Our instructor lead training will ensure that we customize your training needs to ensure the most effective training for your staff.
Our training programs also offer pre-scheduled training modules and audio tutorials to answer basic questions. You can also find video clips for the most common end-user questions.
We’ll even come to you to train your entire team in private classes or get it all when you make training part of your subscription package. With the Premier Training package, every user can take any course, at any time. Subscribers can also access courses available exclusively through the Premier course catalog. Premier Training makes the most of your training dollars and the fastest way to send your ROI through the roof. Ask your representative about premier training today!
Here’s what you’ll get with our basic, personalized GET STARTED training:

This first step is where we teach your system’s administrator(s) how to Set up all the administrative functions of the program. They’ll learn things like how to set up users on the system, how to import data, set up proposals, set up projects and tasks. This session will be tailored to meet your company’s specific use requirements.

In this step, we take everything you learned in Step 1 and actually apply it to your company. We’ll work with you to take your customer information from the sales cycle to managing your project and service commitments. We’ll teach you the use of all modules This highly productive session will cover all phases of DataBox.

Roll Out
Now that we have the administrative and configuration part of your system rolling, it’s time to help your team get comfortable using it. We’ll get all of your team on the same page and show them how to handle everything from generating leads to closing sales. They’ll learn firsthand how to set up correspondences, send emails, searching Leads, manage their sales funnel, and much more.
We understand that no two businesses are alike. For this reason, we accept your ideas for enhancing Databox. In most cases, we will take your input and apply them to future upgrades or newer versions. In the instances that your business has unique needs, we can also assist you in programming and developing Databox. Prior to engaging in customization of Databox, we strongly recommend that your staff have been users of Databox for at least several months. Most of our clients find that Databox does meet most specific needs.
Please inquire with your account representative to learn more about our customization services.
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